Google+ Fandoms Made Fabulous: A Smiley Without the Smile // The Fury inspired nail art by Becca Google+

Sunday 10 August 2014

A Smiley Without the Smile // The Fury inspired nail art by Becca

Hi everyone! It's Becca here again, marking (in a rather late manner) lesser-known books and fandoms week with my favourite book of all time, The Fury. This book is by Alexander Gordon Smith, and basically proposes the idea: "Imagine if one day, without warning, the entire human race turned against you?". Then it kills everyone and all of your feelings.

I did this nail art with a base of Rimmel 60 Seconds polish in 803 Man Overboard (a grey) topped with a coat of Rimmel 60 Seconds polish in 800 Black Out (take a wild guess), then topped with another coat of the grey.

I then added the flame colours (BarryM Gelly Hi-Shine Satsuma - orange, Essie Snap Happy - red, and Essence Wanna be your sunshine - yellow) by wiping off the majority of the polish from the brush and just kinda swiping it across my nail. Fire is random, this can be too. You can do any order, but aim to have orange at the top - I think I did orange, red, yellow, orange. I then topped it with L'Oreal Smoky Top Coat (using the same method) for a, well, smoky effect.

The smiley - or, not smiley - was a decal of my own creation:

After taking all the stickers off a sticker sheet (well, the remainders - a lot had already come off), I drew the faces with Essence's Nail Art Tattoo Pen. I then covered them with a generous layer of clear polish and allowed them to dry for a bit. After this, I lifted them off the sheet (the plasticky sticker sheet makes this easy-peasy) and stuck them to my nails, before covering with another generous layer of clear polish.

You'll notice, if you know my nail arting, that I used a different accent nail and put the decal upside down from how I normally have it. This was completely intentional, and I won't show you a photo because it was for the express purpose of being very very immature indeed. You can probably figure it out.

I hope you enjoyed this nail art! I'll be back next week with some more nail art inspired by one of Alexander Gordon Smith's books!

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