Google+ Fandoms Made Fabulous: Introduction to Lisa J Cosham Google+

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Introduction to Lisa J Cosham

My name is Lisa, I'm 15 years old, I'm Half British/Russian (I speak Russian fluently) and I am one of many Ultimate Fangirls (you love it).
I am currently writing a book called 'She Forgot' that might be published :D
My favourite subjects are: English, Art, History and French. 
I have a phobia of bugs and two types of OCD- the cleaning one and Grammar Pedantry Syndrome where basically I get really stressed out if there's bad grammar. 
All of my books have to be in number/height order from left to right (Idk why).
Here are some of the fandoms I am part of:
The Vampire Diaries
The Hunger Games
Harry Potter
The Fault in Our Stars
The Host
Percy Jackson
Slated by Terri Terry
Uglies by Scott Westerfield
The Maze Runner by James Dashner
The Great Gatsby
and more but I can't think of them right now.
Here is my social media usernames:
Twitter: lisajocosh
Instagram: lisajocosham06/lisajocosh
Tumblr: lisajocoshka
Pinterest: Lisa Cosham
Wattpad: lisajocosh
Polyvore: lisajocosham
Mobli: lisacosham

I'll be posting on Thursdays! 
See you in two days ;) x

1 comment:

  1. Looking forwards to those posts! The Host and Percy Jackson are absolutely wonderful books <3 Not the best movies ever when you look at them from book to film adaption phase, but on their own they are okay. I have a phobia of bugs too! Especially spiders ><
